We charge per time slot rather than per dog so multiple dogs may be treated per session. Please allow 45-60 minutes for a first treatment. This session will be shorter if there are no injuries and only a tune-up is required. Cash and credit card accepted (Amex, Visa and Mastercard). 1.6% surcharge for credit card transactions.

30 minutes Session - $45

60 minutes Session - $90


On the rare occasion when I am running late (or you are early), please take your dog for a walk around the block. I will text you if I am running late and will ring you when I am finished with the previous client.


A typical session will start off with a gait and posture analysis. Often thermal imaging will be used to find areas of muscular dysfunction and inflammation. The Onnetsu Far-Infrared device will then be used to help identify areas of tenderness and injury. A combination of other therapies will then be used to treat the dysfunctional areas and restore balance.

I will not force treatment onto a stressed dog.  But I am patient and compassionate with 'difficult' dogs and have a range of treatment options available to help them. The majority of dogs become more comfortable with the environment and are calmer on subsequent appointments and in fact,  look forward to their treatment sessions. 


Typically most dogs feel the need to urinate after a session so please take your dog for a short walk before you drive away.  Your dog may be quieter than usual, lethargic, drink and urinate more 24-48 hours after a treatment.   It is imperative that your dog is kept quiet for minimum 48 hours after the treatment as the body rebalances itself and responds to the bodywork.   We recommend avoiding rough play and only light exercise during this time.  Highly energetic activity will compromise the value of the soft tissue work the dog has just received.